A Quick(-sort) Example

Here's another slightly more complex example – a recursive quick-sort with questionable pivot selection:

sort = list -> match list {
    -- base case
    [] -> []

    -- pivot is head, tail is remaining
    [pivot, ..tail] -> {
        higher = filter { x -> x >= pivot } tail
        lower  = filter { x -> x <  pivot } tail

        (sorted_lower, sorted_higher) = (sort lower, sort higher)

            + [pivot]
            + sorted_higher

The first thing that you should notice is the use of a match expression. Like ML-style languages, Passerine makes extensive use of pattern matching and destructuring as a driver of computation. A match expression takes the form:

match value {
    pattern₀ -> expression₀
    patternₙ -> expressionₙ

Each pattern -> expression pair is a branch – each value is against each branch in order until a branch successfully matches and evaluates – the match expression takes on the value of the matching branch. We'll take a deep dive into match statements later, so keep this in mind.

You might've also noticed the use of curly braces { ... } after [head, ..tail]. This is a block, a group of expressions executed one after another. Each expression in a block is separated by a newline or semicolon; the block takes on the value of its last expression.

The next thing to notice is this line:

(sorted_lower, sorted_higher) = (sort lower, sort higher)

This is a more complex assignment than the first one we saw. In this example, the pattern (sorted_lower, sorted_higher) is being matched against the expression (sort lower, sort higher). This pattern is a tuple destructuring, if you've ever used Python or Rust, I'm sure you're familiar with it. This assignment is equivalent to:

sorted_lower  = sort lower
sorted_higher = sort higher

There's no real reason to use tuple destructuring here – idiomatically, just using sort lower and sort higher is the better solution. We discuss pattern matching in depth in the next section.

Passerine also supports higher order functions (this should come as no surprise):

filter { x -> x >= pivot } tail

filter takes a predicate (a function) and an iterable (like a list), and produces a new iterable where the predicate is true for all items. Although parenthesis could be used to group the inline function definition after filter, it's stylistically more coherent to use blocks for regions of computation. What's a region of computation? A region of computation is a series of multiple expressions, or a single expression that creates new bindings, like an assignment or a function definition.

Passerine also allows lines to be split around operators to break up long expressions:

    + [pivot]
    + sorted_higher

Although this is not a particularly long expression, splitting up lines by operations can help improve the legibility of some expressions.