
The goal of Passerine's syntax is to make all expressions as concise as possible while still conserving the 'feel' of different types of expressions.

We'll start simple; here's a function that squares a number:

square = x -> x * x
square 4 -- is 16

By the way: Passerine uses -- comment for single-line comments and -{ comment }- for nestable multi-line comments.

There are already some important things we can learn about Passerine from this short example:

Like other programming languages, Passerine uses = for assignment. On the left hand side is a pattern – in this case, just the variable square – which destructures an expression into a set of bindings. On the right hand side is an expression; in this case the expression is a function definition.

Because Passerine is expression-oriented, the distinction between statements and expressions isn't made. In the case that an expression produces no useful value, it should return the Unit type, (). Assignment, for instance, returns Unit.

The function call square 4 may look a bit alien to you; this is because Passerine uses whitespace for function calls. A function call takes the form l e₀ ... eₙ, where l is a function and e is an expression. square 4 is a simple case because square only takes one argument, x... let's try writing a function that takes two arguments!

Using our definition of square, here's a function that returns the Euclidean distance between two points:

distance = (x1, y1) (x2, y2) -> {
    sqrt (square (x1 - x2) + square (y1 - y2))

origin = (0, 0)
distance origin (3, 4) -- is 5

Passerine is an expression-oriented language, because of this, it makes sense that all functions are anonymous. All functions take the form p₀ ... pₙ -> e, where p is a pattern and e is an expression. If a function takes multiple arguments, they can be written one after another; a b c -> d is equivalent to a -> (b -> (c -> d)).

The function distance is a bit more complex that square, because the two arguments are bound using tuple destructuring.

As you can see, distance takes two pairs, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and destructures each pair into its component parts. For instance, when we call distance in distance origin (3, 4) the function pulls out the numbers that make up the pair:

  • origin, i.e. (0, 0), is matched against (x1, y1), creating the bindings x1 = 0 and y1 = 0.
  • the tuple (3, 4) is matched against (x2, y2), creating the bindings x2 = 3 and y2 = 4.

The body of distance, sqrt (...) is then evaluated in a new scope where the variables defined about are bound. In the case of the above example:

-- call and bind
distance origin (3, 4)
distance (0, 0) (3, 4)

-- substitute and evaluate
sqrt (square (0 - 3) + square (0 - 4))
sqrt (9 + 5)
sqrt 25

Now, you may have noticed that distance is actually two functions. It may be more obvious it we remove some syntactic sugar rewrite it like so:

distance = (x1, y1) -> { (x2, y2) -> { ... } }

The first function binds the first argument, then returns a new function that binds the second argument, which evaluates to a value. This is known as currying, and can be really useful when writing functional code.

To leverage currying, function calls are left-associative. The call a b c d is equivalent to ((a b) c) d, not a (b (c d)). This syntax comes from functional languages like Haskell and OCaml, and makes currying (partial application) quite intuitive.

In the above example, we used distance to measure how far away (3, 4) was from the origin. Coincidentally, this is known as the length of a vector. Wouldn't it be nice if we could define length in terms of distance?

length = distance origin
length (5, 12) -- is 13

Because distance is curried, we can call it with only one of its arguments. For this reason, length is a function that takes a pair and returns its distance from the origin. In essence, we can read the above definition of length as:

length is the distance from origin.

Transforming data through the use of and functions and pattern matching is a central paradigm of Passerine. In the following sections, we'll dive deep and show how this small core language is enough to build a powerful and flexible language.